Château-Musée du Bucheneck

Rue Kageneck 68360 Soultz-Haut-Rhin
Rue Kageneck 68360 Soultz-Haut-Rhin
Ten rooms, several floors of a 12th-century castle dedicated to the town's rich past and its illustrious families. Discover the Knights of Malta, the Waldners of Freundstein, a noble sword family who owned Soultz, the Heeckerens of Anthès, the most famous of whom killed Pushkin in a duel in 1837, the illustrator Robert Beltz? You'll find a monumental model of the town in 1838, rare documents, costumes, old views of the town, antique marbles, souvenirs of the Soultz of yesteryear and old trades?

As part of the Christmas market, the museum will be open free of charge on Saturdays, December 2 and 9, from 3pm to 8pm, and on Sundays, December 2 and 10, from 2pm to 7pm.
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