Jardin Secret de la Fée Verte

7-9 rue des moines hauts 70220 Fougerolles-Saint-Valbert
7-9 rue des moines hauts 70220 Fougerolles-Saint-Valbert
This garden is located a few meters from the historical buildings of the Paul Devoille distillery. It presents all the plants used in the making of absinthe (wormwood, fennel, angelica, coriander, lemon balm, veronica,...), as well as a collection of wormwood
An old chalot (small rural building typical of the region) has been rebuilt to dry the wormwood plants harvested in summer. Panels on the walls explain the creation of this garden, the chalot, the wormwood... An insect hotel has been built to fight against undesirable insects (aphids)
Panels planted in each bed give the visitors information on each plant presented : characteristics, virtues, use in cooking, use in absinthe, height, type of soil...
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