L'Engrenage, moulin de Villevêque

Rue du Port Villevêque 49140 Rives-du-Loir-en-Anjou
Rue du Port Villevêque 49140 Rives-du-Loir-en-Anjou
A fascinating insight into the workings of a mill and the complexity of gears and pumps that produce electricity from the slow moving waters of the Loir. A visit that will please kids and adults alike. It’s also a great place for school trips where heritage and culture is the theme. To help with the interpretation of this complex mechanism and its importance to the local area, kids will be accompanied by ‘Leo the Electron’ providing an ‘edutainment’ commentary on this important heritage site. The moulin complex is also equipped to host meetings and small conference/seminars.
The mill at Villevêque is the starting point for a number of hiking trails that will take you along the riverbanks on a journey of discovery of the exceptional flora and fauna of the Angevin Basin.
Visits are FREE during normal opening times.
Guided tours arranged for groups of 5+ persons – available all year round (reservations in advance).
Educational guided tours and workshops – available all year round (reservations in advance).
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