Vaux-le-Vicomte: the perfection of a château Grand siècle...

The Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte was designed in the 1650s by some of the greatest artists of the time: architect Louis Le Vau, painter Charles Le Brun, landscape architect André Le Nôtre, master mason Michel Villedo and maître d'hôtel François Vatel. Dazzled by their work, Louis XIV called on them to build the Château de Versailles.

Magnificent old horse-drawn carriages and their crews are on display in the large stables. The carriages are presented in settings based on the themes of town, country and hunting.

The Vaux-le-Vicomte estate is also the venue for a succession of cultural and tourist events: Easter celebrations in the gardens; the Grand Siècle Day and its costumes; candlelit tours, etc. The ponds, fountains and waterfalls are filled with water every second and last Saturday of the month.
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