Brasserie artisanale Uberach

5 rue du cerf 67350 Val-de-Moder
5 rue du cerf 67350 Val-de-Moder
Since 1999, the Uberach brewery has been reviving the Val de Moder's brewing past by creating handcrafted specialty beers. The fruit of the sun and the wonders of the Alsatian terroir, the brewery's tasting beers combine quality and originality.

The Uberach brewers put all their passion, imagination and creativity into each of their creations, to make every tasting a celebration.

Malts, hops and yeast are blended with water from the Vosges du Nord, and enhanced with a variety of spices and flavors, from honey to ginger, from woodruff to raspberries. The top-fermentation process and refermentation in the bottle allow Uberach beers, unfiltered and unpasteurized, to fully express their aromas and flavors.

Guided tours of the brewery are available to the public, covering the history of beer, the brewing past of the Val de Moder, raw materials and the beer-making process, followed by a tasting.
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