Château Cravignac

Lieu-dit Cravignac 33330 Saint-Émilion
Lieu-dit Cravignac 33330 Saint-Émilion
Château Cravignac is a very old property which markets its wines under the brand name Château La Fleur Cravignac because it takes its name from its illustrious owner, Jean Batiste Lavau de Cravignac, mayor of Saint-Emilion from 1730 to 1752 and parliamentary lawyer.
Since then, this property has been passed down from generation to generation, and at the beginning of the century, Château La Fleur Cravignac became the official wine of the National Assembly. It was the favorite wine of Raymond Poincaré, President of the French Republic.
In 2021, the Count and Countess of Colbert bought the property from the Beaupertuis heirs. The vineyard extends over 7Ha 84 and is located on the North West plateau of Saint Emilion, the soil is of siliceous clay and calcareous clay texture.
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