Château Tour Calon Maison Lateyron

18 Route de Bertin 33570 Montagne
18 Route de Bertin 33570 Montagne
For more than three centuries, our family's vineyard has been located in the Libourne region of Bordeaux, in the communes of Puisseguin, Montagne Saint Emilion and Pomerol.
Today the vineyard of 17 hectares is distributed on the appellations Puisseguin (5,5 hectares), Montagne Saint Emilion (11 hectares) and Pomerol (0.5 hectare).
With authenticity, simplicity and sharing, we welcome you to reveal the specificity of our place of life. Taking up this challenge allows us to question ourselves in an always enriching way.
Our challenge is to help you rediscover our original heritage.
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