Domaine de La Citadelle

601 Route de Cavaillon 84560 Ménerbes
601 Route de Cavaillon 84560 Ménerbes
On our estate, you can visit:

- The wine-making cellar, which works by gravity, and our barrel house with French oak barrlels and casks, and enjoy a tasting of our different wines.

- The Corkscrew Museum with over 1200 items from the 17th century to the present time. A unique collection that ranges from the first corkscrew in hand-forged steel to works of art in solid gold, ivory and silver.

- The Botanical Garden, on 6 terraced gardens from the 18th century. See many aromatic, medicinal and wild plants, plants that are magical and carnivorous, and see a truffle bed.

Group visits by advance reservation.
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