La Noyeraie des Borderies - walnut farm and shop

3 chez Devaud 16100 Louzac-Saint-André
3 chez Devaud 16100 Louzac-Saint-André
Come see us ! We welcome you all year round for private tasting tours, discovery trails for children, gourmet snacks at the farm or simply your purchases of local products. Our shop offers a wide range of delicious local specialties and of course all our nut-based products: nut oils, mustard, biscuits, chocolates, caramels...
From June, book your picnic under the walnut trees and come and take a regenerating break in the open air, and we will take care of preparing a nice basket of local and homemade products for you! The ideal break in a long day of visits in Charente!
We will share our know-how around the walnut, and will make you discover in particular our walnut oils, renowned for their exceptional taste with which we are proud to supply the best French restaurants. Premium quality virgin walnut oil is rare, produced mainly by small independent producers who select the best nuts to extract the oil. See you soon at the Noyeraie!
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