Restaurant Hostellerie de la Gabelle

12 Quai de la Loire Saint-Florent-le-Vieil 49290 Mauges-sur-Loire
12 Quai de la Loire Saint-Florent-le-Vieil 49290 Mauges-sur-Loire
The restaurant offers regional gastronomic tradition, prepared with local, delicate and tasty products. Discover the restaurant and its chef, Franck Redureau that will awaken your senses with gourmet cuisine, authentic and generous. Located in an exceptional setting along the Loire. You will have the possibility to taste the specialties of the restaurant, including fish from the Loire, in one of the panoramic rooms with terrace, with stunning views of the Loire. Every product is fresh, vegetables, meat , poultry, cheeses come from local production. These local products are carefully selected by a leader to resume a lasting relationship with small producers of Maine and Loire. Groups from 20 to 60 people by reservation (menus made ​​with the group).
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