Location de vélos, réparation et vente - CyclensOmme

Chemin de halage 80470 Ailly-sur-Somme
Chemin de halage 80470 Ailly-sur-Somme
I welcome you directly on the towpath in the Maison de la Vallée d'Ailly-sur-Somme. This former lock keeper's house is now the ideal place to start all your bike rides. You can also come and see me if you're on the Véloroute Vallée de Somme.
It's also possible to bivouac on site, so don't hesitate to contact me!
Rental, sale and repair of all types of bikes, mobile service all year round.
20 bikes (city bikes, mountain bikes, children's bikes) and 10 electric bikes.
Accessories available: child and luggage trailer, baby seat, panniers, helmets, anti-theft device, puncture-proof spray, repair kit pump.
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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