C'Chartres Tourisme - Office de Tourisme de Chartres Métropole

Office de Tourisme de Chartres Métropole 8 rue de la poissonnerie CS 10289 28000 Chartres
Office de Tourisme de Chartres Métropole 8 rue de la poissonnerie CS 10289 28000 Chartres
Located in the Maison du Saumon, a building dating from the 15th and 16th centuries, just a stone's throw from the Cathedral, C' Chartres Tourisme is the central place for welcoming, informing and promoting the cultural and tourist offer of Chartres and its agglomeration. The Tourist Office offers a multitude of services: ticketing (concerts, cultural events), bicycle hire, guided tours, fun discovery of the area, as well as a sales area for leisure and cultural products. The tourist advisors also provide advice to tourists on bicycles (itineraries, accredited accommodation, bicycle parking, weather information, etc.) and offer, if necessary, a light repair kit for minor damage.
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