Châtel Tourist Office

14 route de Thonon 74390 Châtel
14 route de Thonon 74390 Châtel
A team of advisers is in charge of directing, of helping, and of assisting the holiday makers in their search for accommodations, for activities, for leisure activities...

Services you can find at the tourist office:
- tourist information on the resort and surrounding area
- a play area for children with games, colouring books, comics and books,
- wifi internet access with a free code,
- the sale of hiking maps and guides
- Châtel-related items (books, caps, posters, etc.).
- sale of fishing permits,
- photocopies (for a fee)
- registration for events
- public toilets
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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