Office de Tourisme du Grand Ried - Bureau d'information touristique d'Erstein

8 place de l'Hôtel de ville 67150 Erstein
8 place de l'Hôtel de ville 67150 Erstein
The Pays d'Erstein, located 20 km south of Strasbourg, in the middle of rivers, meadows and forests, offers a wide range of activities: walks through the town and the forest on foot, by bike or in a flat-bottomed boat, discoveries of the nature reserve, guided tours of the Würth France Erstein museum of modern and contemporary art as well as many other activities, ...
Quality accommodations (hotels, bed and breakfast, gites...), traditional and refined gastronomy are part of the Pays d'Erstein.
Without forgetting the many events: "Erstein, fête le printemps", "Erstein, fête Noël", "Les récoltes d'Antan" in Hindisheim, ...
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