Office de Tourisme du Val de L'Eyre

4 allée du Champ de Foire 33770 Salles
4 allée du Champ de Foire 33770 Salles
The Val de l'Eyre tourist office is at your disposal to help you spend a pleasant stay in an authentic and natural setting, with forests, rivers and ponds. It presents you its paths and cycle tracks, but also its sports (indoor swimming pool Spadium) and cultural (cinema) facilities. It advises you for your hikes, bike rides, horseback riding, in loops or on discovery circuits, or for a descent of the Leyre in canoe. Let yourself be guided through the guided heritage tours, such as the discovery tours "the history of the communes of the Val de l'Eyre, the mills, the trades of yesteryear: gemmage, a pigeon farm...". And so take full advantage of the very wide range of leisure activities in the Val de l'Eyre!
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