Tourist office of Gassin

20, place Léon Martel 83580 Gassin
20, place Léon Martel 83580 Gassin
The Gassin tourist office, created in 2016. Since December 2017, it has held the Qualité tourisme mark and was classified in category I on February 1, 2017. We strive to offer you a welcome and quality services to meet all your expectations regarding the activities of the town and the Gulf of Gassin, leisure activities (hiking, polo, golf, amusement park), discovery of the region (wine estates, olive growing, creation of artisan jams, spirulina, soap, arts and crafts, etc.), and of course accommodation and catering.

Our stayers offer you a personalized welcome by appointment and our premises provide many services: free wifi, free access to an internet station, children's corner, panoramic terrace on the Gulf of Gassin).
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