La Maison du Parc Naturel Régional de Millevaches en Limousin

7 route d'Aubusson 19290 Millevaches
7 route d'Aubusson 19290 Millevaches
Certified by the French Ministry of the Environment, the NRP's mission is to :
? to protect the region's heritage, in particular through appropriate management of natural environments and landscapes,
? contribute to regional development,
? contribute to economic, social and cultural development and quality of life,
? welcome, educate and inform the public,
? to carry out experimental or exemplary actions in the above-mentioned fields, and to contribute to research programs.
The Maison du Parc at Millevaches allows you to discover the richness of the region thanks to an interior scenography (window-frames, informative labels, map boxes, sensitive map of the landscape, mobiles, etc.) and exterior facilities (farm history "glasses", panoramic bench, playful "commas", Plateau plateaux, etc.).
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